Posted: November 13, 2019

Question Your World: Why Study the First Frost Date?

In case you haven’t noticed, it's cold out there again! One way to study how our overall climate is doing is by looking at our first frost date of the season.

Question Your World: Why Study the First Frost Date?
Posted: October 30, 2019

Question Your World: Where Exactly Did We Come From?

There are so many commonly used home-related phrases out there. Clearly we care a lot about what is home to us. Researchers just announced that they have identified the region from which all of our modern human ancestors arose.

Question Your World: Where Exactly Did We Come From?
Posted: October 23, 2019

Question Your World: What Causes Left-Handedness?

90% of the world is right-handed. History and culture have not been kind to left-handers, a somewhat rare occurrence among us humans. So, after all these years, if the right hand is preferred, why do we still have a bunch of lefties out there?

Question Your World: What Causes Left-Handedness?
Posted: October 17, 2019

Question Your World: Does Dog Ownership Affect Our Health?

Everyone who has a dog loves to talk about how great it is. Despite chewed up shoes, messes on the carpet, and the seemingly never-ending costs of treats and accessories, dog owners love their furry best friends, but does that love mean anything for our health?

Question Your World: Does Dog Ownership Affect Our Health?
Posted: October 9, 2019

Question Your World: Why Do Bats Argue So Much?

Consider for a moment how valuable it is that we have the ability to communicate with one another. Other animals communicate, too, but we still know very little about how their chatter translates. A recent study tried to solve a piece of this big puzzle by studying bats.

Question Your World: Why Do Bats Argue So Much?