Posted: December 6, 2017

What Do Women Scientists, Conditioning Techniques, and Rats Have in Common?

Training Norway rats to play basketball is pretty hard. But what might be more difficult is deciding what to name the seven new rat basketball trainees at the Museum!

What Do Women Scientists, Conditioning Techniques, and Rats Have in Common?
Posted: October 18, 2017

Question Your World: Did Upright Walking Hominids Come from Africa?

One of the ingredients of humanity is bipedalism or the ability to walk upright on two appendages. For some time now, scientists have been exploring Africa looking for our most ancient ancestors to further the story of human evolution. However, a new discovery is questioning our slow bipedal evolution.

Question Your World: Did Upright Walking Hominids Come from Africa?
Posted: May 31, 2017

Question Your World: How Does Running Impact The Brain?

We already know that running has noticeable impacts on the cardio and muscular functions of our body, but what does running do?

Question Your World: How Does Running Impact The Brain?
Posted: May 31, 2017

Question Your World: How Can We Prevent Jet Lag?

Nearly 8 million people take flights every single day here on Earth. Can science help the billions of people worldwide that suffer from jet lag?

Question Your World: How Can We Prevent Jet Lag?
Posted: May 31, 2017

Question Your World: How Well Do We Know Giraffes?

Scientists have been looking at our long-necked friends. Our understanding of these animals just became far more detailed.

Question Your World: How Well Do We Know Giraffes?