Scientists have just made an interesting discovery. They’ve found a new organ in our body. No, it’s not little and tucked away in one specific place, it’s actually everywhere within us.
While a good night of sleep can do wonders for your mental and physical health, the opposite of that, being sleep deprived, has some serious consequences.
For scientists, the scope of discovery can range anywhere from the totally straightforward to the totally weird. And if we're exploring the world of the weird, one animal seems to come up quite a bit: the duck-billed platypus.
We now have seven and a half billion people on Earth and counting! A little over half of those folks live in urban areas, some of them in mega cities. As the number of people grows across the globe, so will the number of mega cities.
Training Norway rats to play basketball is pretty hard. But what might be more difficult is deciding what to name the seven new rat basketball trainees at the Museum!