Celebrate National Chemistry Week with Sticky Science Activities
When you think of chemistry, you probably think of scientists in white lab coats with beakers and test tubes. That’s not incorrect, but chemistry is also happening in lots of other ways 24/7 all around you!

Striking a match, baking a cake, feeling more awake after drinking coffee, the fireworks on July 4 and your stomach digesting what you ate for lunch are all examples of chemistry at work. Life wouldn’t be the same without chemistry, so we celebrate it during National Chemistry Week to help people recognize the important role it plays in so much of what we do.
Chemistry is the study of substances, their properties and how they interact with one another. The American Chemical Society created National Chemistry Week to promote value of chemistry.
This year, National Chemistry Week is October 18 through 24 and the theme is “Sticking with Chemistry.” You and your family can participate from home with these sticky science suggestions!
Science Shorts: Making Big Bubbles
American Chemical Society: Make Your Own Glue
Science Shorts: Laminar and Turbulent Flow
American Chemical Society: Time for Slime

Attention Virginia educators: In honor of National Chemistry Week, the Virginia Section of the American Chemical Society is making 130 chemistry sets available to areas teachers for FREE! The activities in the kits will give teachers a chance to help students explore the sticky science behind adhesion and cohesion. Kit materials are appropriate for students in grade K – 8, and teachers can build kits with up to 12 activities.
To get a free kit, teachers should register here. Then, on Wednesday, Nov. 4, teachers should come to the Science Museum of Virginia (2500 West Broad Street, Richmond) between 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. to get their kit.
At the Museum, we’re in our element during National Chemistry Week. If those sticky videos and experiments weren’t enough to keep you glued to your seat, maybe you’ll have a good reaction to some punny jokes:
What happens at a chemist’s funeral? They Barium!
What do you call an acid with an attitude? An amino (a-mean-o) acid!
Why can you never trust an atom? They make up literally everything!
There would be more jokes … but all the good ones Argon!
Happy National Chemistry Week!
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