Posted: March 1, 2021

Vaccine Human Trials: A Behind-the-Scenes Look

What are human vaccine trials really like and who conducts them? To answer that question and help dispel some of the mystery involved in drug trials, we visited Dr. Robert Call of Clinical Research Partners.

Vaccine Human Trials: A Behind-the-Scenes Look
Posted: February 24, 2021

Question Your World: What Is the Farthest Object in the Solar System?

Just for a few moments, let’s go far far away to the farthest observed thing in our solar system, a whopping 132 times further from the sun than you are right now.

Question Your World: What Is the Farthest Object in the Solar System?
Posted: February 24, 2021

The Neuroscience of Decision Making: The Optimism Bias

There are a variety of cognitive biases that play a role in how we make decisions, and sometimes we aren’t even aware they exist. One of these is the optimism bias.

The Neuroscience of Decision Making: The Optimism Bias
Posted: February 22, 2021

I Kept That Promise Until …

To lend our support to efforts that squash stigmas and humanize mental health conditions, we invited Catherine Brown to share her story during National Eating Disorders Awareness Week.

I Kept That Promise Until …
Posted: February 22, 2021

Legacy and Excellence: Celebrating Black Stories

To celebrate black excellence and legacy during Black History Month, our staff offer their recommendations of books, movies, and other media created by black writers and scientists.

Legacy and Excellence: Celebrating Black Stories