Posted: October 4, 2020

Project Engage: Inspiration Abound

Inspiration is a tenet of the Museum. But it isn’t always about what the Museum is doing to inspire others. Sometimes staff draw inspiration from community projects and citizens. Project Engage is just such an initiative.

Project Engage: Inspiration Abound
Posted: October 2, 2020

Question Your World: How Do Pets Affect Us during a Pandemic?

Recently scientists took a look into the relationships between humans and their assorted animal companions during our current lockdown lifestyle to explore how pets affect us during a pandemic. 

Question Your World: How Do Pets Affect Us during a Pandemic?
Posted: September 29, 2020

Alopecia Areata: The Medical Condition Explained

For Alopecia Awareness Month, we're shedding some light on alopecia areata provided by our scientist in residence who has both personal experience and scientific knowledge of the medical condition. 

Alopecia Areata: The Medical Condition Explained
Posted: September 29, 2020

Question Your World: Does Climate Change Impact Virginia?

Let’s dig into the climate change conversation by looking at how the big picture is already impacting our neck of the woods by asking the big question, does climate change impact Virginia?

Question Your World: Does Climate Change Impact Virginia?
Posted: September 25, 2020

Question Your World: How Do Vaccines Get Approved?

As the pandemic continues to impact us, more people are starting to ask when we will see a vaccine for the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Let's begin by asking the fundamental question here: How do vaccines get approved?

Question Your World: How Do Vaccines Get Approved?