Posted: December 3, 2021

Vaccine Q & A: A Boost for Boosters

It’s time for another round of COVID-19 vaccine-related questions answered by neurobiologist Dr. Catherine Franssen. This time we’re covering the ins and outs of boosters.

Vaccine Q & A: A Boost for Boosters
Posted: November 15, 2021

Chew on This: The Connection Between Probiotics and Alzheimer’s

Communication pathways between the digestive system and the brain could offer clues to slow or stop inflammation and cell death, thus preventing the progression of dementia.

Chew on This: The Connection Between Probiotics and Alzheimer’s
Posted: November 3, 2021

Kids and the COVID-19 Vaccine

It's time! The CDC endorsed children 5 to 11 years old getting vaccinated against COVID-19. Here's some information from trusted professionals and resources in science and medicine related to kids and the vaccine.

Kids and the COVID-19 Vaccine
Animals Food Health
Posted: October 13, 2021

Food Tech: The Science of Eating Bugs

Maybe National Chocolate Covered Insect Day isn't a holiday you usually celebrate, but adding unconventional protein sources to your diet is something you should consider.

Food Tech: The Science of Eating Bugs
Posted: October 12, 2021

What Effects Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Have on Sex, Reproduction and Fertility?

Remember the Nicki Minaj-started, social media-fueled, internationally covered statement suggesting the COVID-19 vaccine had a negative impact on her cousin’s friend’s anatomy? Let's look at what science has to say about that.

What Effects Will the COVID-19 Vaccine Have on Sex, Reproduction and Fertility?