Posted: October 23, 2019

Question Your World: What Causes Left-Handedness?

90% of the world is right-handed. History and culture have not been kind to left-handers, a somewhat rare occurrence among us humans. So, after all these years, if the right hand is preferred, why do we still have a bunch of lefties out there?

Question Your World: What Causes Left-Handedness?
Posted: October 9, 2019

Question Your World: Why Do Bats Argue So Much?

Consider for a moment how valuable it is that we have the ability to communicate with one another. Other animals communicate, too, but we still know very little about how their chatter translates. A recent study tried to solve a piece of this big puzzle by studying bats.

Question Your World: Why Do Bats Argue So Much?
Posted: September 17, 2019

Question Your World: How Does the Brain Keep Memories?

We know more about the surface of the moon than Earth’s oceans and we know even less about the human brain, but a recently published study from Cal Tech is helping us put together a few pieces of the huge puzzle that is the brain. How does the brain keep memories?

Question Your World: How Does the Brain Keep Memories?
Posted: September 4, 2019

Question Your World: How Do Burgers Impact the Environment?

Production of food, like many daily needs of humans, has a ripple effect on a myriad of other things. Cattle ranches are a food-related industry linked to some pretty big chunks of land, along with the deforestation needed to facilitate their work. Scientists are working on meat alternatives to give consumers less environmentally stressful options.

Question Your World: How Do Burgers Impact the Environment?
Posted: August 28, 2019

Question Your World: How Important Is the Amazon Rainforest?

Natural disasters can be incredibly dangerous to nearby populations, but some could even impact the entire planet. Some of Earth’s natural resources are so massive that they not only serve vital functions in the immediate area but have global impacts as well, like the Amazon rainforest in South America.

Question Your World: How Important Is the Amazon Rainforest?