Posted: June 23, 2021

Pride in Paleontology: Highlighting LGBTQ+ Scientists

As the Museum enters our summer of dinosaurs, Pride Month seems like the perfect time to highlight some LGBTQ+ professionals within the field of paleontology.

Pride in Paleontology: Highlighting LGBTQ+ Scientists
Posted: May 10, 2021

Question Your World: Why Have Ancient Rats and Cats Been in the Science News Lately?

Recent excavations raise some big questions about understanding our planet’s biological history. It's a great reminder that life on Earth may seem wild now, but it’s got a pretty wild past, too!

Question Your World: Why Have Ancient Rats and Cats Been in the Science News Lately?
Posted: April 29, 2021

Question Your World: What Did We Just Discover about Tyrannosaurs?

Every now and then a discovery is made that challenges a previously held belief. A recent excavation site in Utah is shedding more light on how some dinosaurs may actually have been social creatures. 

Question Your World: What Did We Just Discover about Tyrannosaurs?
Posted: April 23, 2021

Rosalind Franklin and The Most Important Photo Ever Taken

Rosalind Franklin had an integral role in the discovery of DNA’s double-helix structure. Not only did her work help drive Watson and Crick toward their Nobel Prize-winning discoveries, but a special photograph of hers is quite possibly one of the most important photos ever taken.

Rosalind Franklin and The Most Important Photo Ever Taken
Posted: January 25, 2021

Muscle Pain, Rocking Chairs, and the First Woman Physician to the President

You might be asking yourself, “what do Metrodora, muscle pain, and rocking chairs have to do with anything?” The answer is Dr. Janet G. Travell, a physician and researcher who became the first woman to hold the office of Physician to the President.

Muscle Pain, Rocking Chairs, and the First Woman Physician to the President