On Tuesday, October 30, NASA announced that the Kepler space telescope had run out of fuel and would be retired. The mission’s story dates back 35 years, even before we knew for sure that planets existed around other stars (now called exoplanets).
It may be true that Virginia is currently ranked 17th in the nation for the total amount of installed solar capacity and less than 1% of the energy used in the Commonwealth comes from solar, but you might never guess who or what is an emerging leader in the renewable energy transition in our lovely state.
The intersection of science, technology, and urban planning is responsible for many things we take for granted, like highways, power grids, sanitation services, and beyond. As our population grows, so will our needs.
Let's check out some big stuff that's happening in the world of new eco-friendly materials – made with fungus!
Agriculture and its annual yield have a lot to do with the weather. As the climate changes, these impacts can be felt by everyone.