Posted: February 22, 2019

Question Your World: Why Is the Opportunity Rover So Important to Science?

As they say, all good things must come to an end. Well, there’s no better example for astronomers than NASA’s declaration that the Opportunity rover mission has come to a close. 

Question Your World: Why Is the Opportunity Rover So Important to Science?
Posted: January 30, 2019

Question Your World: How Is AI Discovering Extinct Human Relatives?

Over centuries, thanks to advances in science and technology, we have been piecing together the story of our own human evolution. The twists and turns in the story of our origins have made headlines for quite a while now, but when brand new technology is involved, the discoveries become even more remarkable!

Question Your World: How Is AI Discovering Extinct Human Relatives?
Posted: January 23, 2019

Question Your World: When Will Communications Technology Be Implanted in Humans?

As science and technology grow, so do the possibilities of how we humans communicate with one another. For example, only two decades ago it was nearly impossible to send a friend a photo of where you were standing, waiting for them, in real time.

Question Your World: When Will Communications Technology Be Implanted in Humans?
Posted: November 1, 2018

Retirement Reflections: Top 5 Most Interesting Kepler Finds

On Tuesday, October 30, NASA announced that the Kepler space telescope had run out of fuel and would be retired. The mission’s story dates back 35 years, even before we knew for sure that planets existed around other stars (now called exoplanets).

Retirement Reflections: Top 5 Most Interesting Kepler Finds
Posted: October 12, 2018

Question Your World: Who’s a Leader in Virginia Solar?

It may be true that Virginia is currently ranked 17th in the nation for the total amount of installed solar capacity and less than 1% of the energy used in the Commonwealth comes from solar, but you might never guess who or what is an emerging leader in the renewable energy transition in our lovely state.

Question Your World: Who’s a Leader in Virginia Solar?