Posted: May 6, 2020

Question Your World: What is De-extinction?

Every living thing on this planet is subject to evolution and extinction. The natural evolutionary process dictates the beginning and end of various species. So, what happens when we start to advance our technological capabilities and introduce the process of de-extinction?

Question Your World: What is De-extinction?
Posted: April 20, 2020

Take a Phenological Walk with Me

Hey there, science lovers! Lexie Barrell here. I love helping Museum guests learn all about the world around them, especially when it comes to plants and animals! And phenology is a great place to start!

Take a Phenological Walk with Me
Posted: February 5, 2020

Question Your World: Can Sharks Walk?

A group of new discoveries has now added four more species to our database of sharks. These four species not only swim, they can also walk!

Question Your World: Can Sharks Walk?
Posted: November 22, 2019

Question Your World: Which New Relative of Ours Was Discovered?

Thanksgiving time is here! When we are given a chance to sit around the table together with loved ones and for better or worse, we get a chance to learn more about our own family.

Question Your World: Which New Relative of Ours Was Discovered?
Posted: November 20, 2019

Question Your World: Why Were Rats Taught to Drive?

Scientists at the University of Richmond have been teaching rats how to drive and, unlike what happens to human drivers during rush hour, the rats’ stress level has gone down! That’s right, teaching rats … to drive … to lower stress.

Question Your World: Why Were Rats Taught to Drive?