Posted: February 27, 2019

Question Your World: Have You Seen The Black Panther?

For the last few months, Marvel’s Black Panther has been getting a lot of Oscar buzz. Meanwhile in Kenya, a real life black panther has been making some big news headlines as well.

Question Your World: Have You Seen The Black Panther?
Posted: February 13, 2019

Question Your World: Is Monogamy Genetic?

Since genetics plays such a big role in the development of our lives, scientists wanted to see if genes also pass on behaviors like picking a special mate and sticking by their side.

Question Your World: Is Monogamy Genetic?
Posted: November 14, 2018

Question Your World: Is Humanity Using Too Much Light?

Earth from space is a beautiful sight. We can not only see pretty patterns created by our lights on the dark side of the planet, but over time we've also seen the amount of these lights on Earth grow. More people means more lights.

Question Your World: Is Humanity Using Too Much Light?
Posted: August 29, 2018

Question Your World: How Are Ants Reacting to Climate Change?

What insect is about as old as the dinosaurs, lives on every non-frozen continent, and might be able to tell us about how species could adapt to our planet’s changing climate? Let’s talk about those little social creatures: ants.

Question Your World: How Are Ants Reacting to Climate Change?
Posted: July 25, 2018

Question Your World: How Is Climate Change Impacting Sharks?

It's Shark Week, an entire week devoted to one of Earth's most misunderstood and magnificent animals. For Shark Week, let's talk about a much more real way to link sharks and climate change.

Question Your World: How Is Climate Change Impacting Sharks?