Posted: September 17, 2021

Vaccinated + Mask = YES!

We're always encouraging Virginians to question their world. We know there are still questions about vaccinated people wearing masks so we're here with some answers.

Vaccinated + Mask = YES!
Posted: August 27, 2021

What is a Dinosaur?

On the surface, this seems like a simple question. Everyone knows what a dinosaur is, right?! But do you really?

What is a Dinosaur?
Posted: August 19, 2021

Question Your World: How Did The COVID Vaccine Get Made So Quickly?

Some people have concerns over the short time in which the COVID-19 vaccine was created, but more than a decade of preparation helped save immense amounts of time during the four phases of development.

Question Your World: How Did The COVID Vaccine Get Made So Quickly?
Posted: August 10, 2021

Question Your World: Did These Birds Just Learn a New Trick?

Sulfur-crested cockatoo have been making headlines in Australia. Citizen scientists have been filming their newest skill set, and let's just say it's pretty trashy!

Question Your World: Did These Birds Just Learn a New Trick?
Posted: May 26, 2021

Question Your World: Can Technology Let Us Communicate Using Only Our Thoughts?

Merging technology into the human body may sound like science fiction, but it happens all the time. There’s hearing aids, pacemakers, contact lenses, and many other examples of technology physically being used within our bodies. But what about the most mysterious part of our body, the brain?

Question Your World: Can Technology Let Us Communicate Using Only Our Thoughts?